Event: Migration and Izmir

Professor Ayselin Yıldız presented some of the initial findings from the Wellbeing, Housing and Infrastructure in Turkey (WHIT) project to Yaşar University.

Prof. Yıldız provided a comparative perspective on how the urban and rural nexus is shaped in terms of housing and well-being, and what kind of implications are created by and for displaced refugees and Turkish people on low-incomes.

You can watch the recording here 👇

Yaşar University Seminar: “Migration and Izmir: Urban and Rural Nexus”

The Wellbeing, Housing and Infrastructure in Turkey (WHIT) project is funded by the British Academy’s Urban Infrastructures of Well-Being 2019 Programme, supported under the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund.



Urban displacement

Working together to address challenges in making urban spaces into places of belonging for everyone.